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All visitors are kindly invited to read the following conditions before using and/or browsing the website

If visitors use or browse the website, they are considered as accepting the said conditions in full.

These conditions are a prerequisite for browsing and logging in to (hereinafter the Website).

This website is property of Ti.Gi srl (the Company), Via Udine, 12, 58100, Grosseto (GR), Italy.

Please carefully review these Terms and Conditions before browsing the Website.

Use of this Website implies acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

If you do not agree with the said terms, please log out of the Website.

Use of this Website implies accepting and sharing all rules related to browsing, which include its Privacy Policy. The Company reserves the right to change the rules related to browsing in the course of time, at its sole and complete discretion: continued browsing of this Website after possible amendments, implies acceptance of the terms of the relevant change.

Information about registration reserved to medical doctors regardless of their specialisation

Registration and browsing on is reserved exclusively to medical doctors regardless of their specialisation.

Copyright, production label and protection of intellectual property

The Website as a whole, with all materials contained therein, is protected by copyright and by all intellectual property rights. By browsing the Website the user accepts and confirms that any suggestion, drawing, concept, photo, video and anything else contained therein is not property of the said user; the contents of this website are divulged solely for information and promotional purposes. This means that any reproduction – totally and/or in part – as well as distribution, publication, broadcasting, any change or sale of materials in this website is strictly forbidden. Use of the materials in this Website is permitted exclusively for personal and never for business purposes: the said use does not entail any title, right or interest on the materials contained therein. Therefore, any use different from the above is forbidden and shall constitute a violation of the rights of

Copyright information

Copyright © 2021 – All rights reserved.

The logo, name and trademark of the Company are the exclusive property of Ti.Gi. srl

All materials and information in this Website are protected by copyright; this means that the rights related to property and all the contents of the site belong exclusively to Ti.Gi. Srl or to the respective owners. These contents may include images, photos, texts, video and audio inserts, drawings, logotypes and trademarks. All right reserved, in Italy and abroad.

Other provisions

1 The information contained in the Website have a merely informative and divulging purpose, not as medical reference. Any information regarding pathologies and the relevant therapies are not a substitute for the patient-doctor relationship. The data provided by all those who publish videos and work on the website are of a general nature; none of the materials published in this Website shall be use by you or by anyone else for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes in relation to any disease or physical condition: personalised treatments and therapies shall be prescribed exclusively by the doctor in charge.

2 Ti.Gi. srl and the experts working on the website shall not be held responsible in respect of the reliability and correctness of the information contained therein, or for any direct, indirect, incidental and consequential negative effects related to the proper or improper use of the information contained in this Website.

3 All texts, images, videos and anything else which is published and reproduced in the website is property of Ti.Gi. Srl; its reproduction for the general public is forbidden, unless it is made for strictly personal and not for public use.

4 No responsibility shall be accepted in relation either to the contents published in this website and to the use any third parties might make thereof, or to possible contamination caused by access, interconnection, downloading of materials and software from this website.
Therefore, the website manager shall be held in no way responsible for damage, losses, prejudice of any kind which third parties might incur in respect of the agreement with the said website, or following use of the contents of the latter or of the relevant software systems.

5 The information in the Website may contain technical or clerical errors. Therefore Ti.Gi. srl and the authors reserve the right to introduce – at any time and without notice – changes, corrections and upgrades of the said information.

6 The authors of the posts and pages of the website shall not be held responsible for any websites connected through a link and for their content which may be subject to variations over time.

7 The origin of the images published is carefully checked. If any unauthorised photos, videos and resources are used in error, Ti.Gi. srl and the authors agree to immediately erase the latter or to mention of their author.